Dr. Barry Zisholtz of Georgia Urology

Listen to a recording of the first hour of the show.

Listen to a recording of the second hour of the show.

Joining us this Sunday on The Weekly Check-Up is Dr. Barry Zisholtz of Georgia Urology for a discussion on bladder health with a special topic on kidney stones. Georgia Urology is the largest urology practice in Atlanta and the Southeast, with 41 expert physicians and 9 Atlanta magazine 2013 Top Doctors.

Dr. Barry Zisholtz of Georgia Urology


Dr. Barry M. Zisholtz, M.D. is an associate of Georgia Urology. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Urology.

Dr. Zisholtz began practicing urology in 1988 and joined Georgia Urology, P.A. in 1991. Currently, he is on staff at Crawford W. Long Hospital of Emory University, Georgia Baptist Medical Center, Henry General Hospital, Metropolitan Hospital, Northside Hospital, Saint Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta, South Fulton Medical Center, Southern Regional Medical Center, and West Paces Medical Center.

A native of Suffern, New York, Dr. Zisholtz received his medical degree from New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York, and participated in undergraduate medical research at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx, New York City, NY.

He was awarded a summer fellowship in pulmonary medicine at Metropolitan Hospital in New York. At Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, Dr. Zisholtz served as surgical intern and resident, and completed his chief residency year in June 1988.

Dr. Zisholtz is a member of the Atlanta Urological Society and the American Urological Association.