Dr. Carl Capelouto of Georgia Urology

Listen to a recording of the first hour of the show.

Listen to a recording of the second hour of the show.

Sunday, June 30 Dr. Carl Capelouto of Georgia Urology (www.gaurology.com) joined us for a discussion of urinary incontinence, or overactive bladder. The topic introduced a wide range of conversation, including proper treatment for post-menopausal women experiencing incontinence, the next steps for geriatric patients who are at-risk in surgical procedures, and exercise tips to stimulate stronger bladder health.

Dr. Carl Capelouto of Georgia Urology


Dr. Carl Capelouto graduated magna cum laude from Emory University School of Medicine. Following an internship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, he completed his residency at Harvard program of Urology. With 20 years of experience, he is an expert of female incontinence, kidney stones, vaginal prolapse, and diseases of the prostate.