Brenda Stockdale, Director of Mind-Body Medicine at RCOG

Listen to a recording of the first hour of the show.

Listen to a recording of the second hour of the show.

Brenda Stockdale, Director of Mind-Body Medicine at RCOG


Brenda Stockdale is the Director of Mind-Body Medicine at Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia, a Vantage Oncology affiliate and a national pioneer in the practical application of psychoneuroimmunology. Her programs are endorsed by leading specialists and have been implemented in hospitals, cancer centers and primary care practices. She was the clinical assistant for the national psychoneuroimmunology program, Getting Well, and later as the National Program Director for ECaP (founded by Bernie Siegel, MD) Brenda designed ECaP’s first hospital-based psychooncology program (instituted at The Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center) and co-created ECaP’s national retreats for person’s with life-challenging illness. In addition to her private practice, Stockdale is a consultant for corporate and health care organizations and developed a health psychology program for primary care settings specializing in preventive medicine, autoimmunity and stress-related conditions.  [Read or listen to interviews with Brenda]

Her 6-week program in mind/body medicine, outlined in her recent book, You Can Beat the Odds,  has been praised by Harvard scientists, physicians and epidemiologists as “as a prescription, in and of itself, for maximizing one’s health” and “the health book to read this year.” Brenda has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, NPR, ABC radio and in a variety of print media including Bottom Line HealthGood Housekeeping, ‘O’ The Oprah Magazine and Natural Health.

From presenting at international medical conferences for physicians and health professionals (oncology and cardiology conferences, The National Wellness conference, etc.), to corporate and special interest groups (including Bell South, G.E., and philanthropic organizations), hospitals and cancer centers (Duke University’s Integrative Medicine Department, the Helen and Harry Gray Cancer Center, and Mississippi Baptist Hospital) Stockdale serves as a consultant and speaks on a variety of topics related to health and wellbeing. (For a sampling of local and national speaking events please see “Upcoming Events.”) While Stockdale is a clinician in the field of behavioral medicine,  it is her own experience with life-altering and catastrophic illness that anchors the subject in an intimate way.

Brenda’s Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in Behavioral Science and Health Psychology are from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She completed a clinical training program in Mind/Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School, is a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator (Professional Standards Committee), Certified Wellness Practitioner, and is the recipient of a Hambidge Fellowship.