Dr. Mark Rivellese of Georgia RetinaMay 20, 2011 Listen to a recording of the first hour of the show. Dr. Mark Rivellese of Georgia Retina Chemotherapy can cause eye dryness, blurry vision. At night, eyes can be lubricated with OTC drops which will help dry eye symptoms in morning. Detached retinas are hereditary. Never blame old eye injury for symptoms that are getting progressively worse. See your eye doctor. Amsler Grid link: http://garetina.com/amsler-chart.php https://weeklycheckup.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/atlanta_500x500-1.jpg 500 500 lizzi https://weeklycheckup.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/wcu-logo.png lizzi2011-05-20 14:29:122017-11-29 20:33:51Dr. Mark Rivellese of Georgia Retina